Saturday, January 5, 2008

Aaah Spring?

That fleeting moment, that Northeastern myth. Try designing a collection for it. Talk about your bad dates.."It was going so well, warming up, smiling, happy, then, cold, rainy, hostile, prickly, Africa hot and sweaty for all the wrong reasons." Fall, Winter? Piece of cake. Layer it on, take it off. A perfect relationship. Texture,! Boots fix everything. Every one's 5'10" in boots. But Spring? It's hot, it's cold, it's rainy. It's hot and rainy. It's cold and rainy, and your feet are freezing because you're wearing open toe slides. Why? Because it's Spring, and it seemed sensible at 7:30 AM when it was warm and sunny. Ah, but look at the flowers! I love flowers! But do I want to dress like a flower? Uhhh...well, um, some people would like you to. And it's okay to give in, and be the girl in the pink dress once in a while. But only once in a while. I spent a lot of time last spring and summer listening to everyone who stepped foot in my store, or went to one of my shows. Sure, the floral dresses you will find in heaps and piles this season in many places will turn your heads, but you told me what I found out myself when I scrambled to get to work everyday, picking out my clothes in the dark, on the way to the gym. You need to get dressed in a hurry(like me). You need to get off the train looking like you didn't sleep in your dress or your suit(even if you did) You need to look amazing for a wedding or a party. And, oh yes, you need to look ten pounds thinner. It's very easy to design a fun summer dress. Even the misfits on Project Runway can pull it off on a regular basis. But it's not easy to battle the reality show that is most people's lives-A great suit, a perfect occasion get-up you'll wear again and again, something cool, aesthetically and physically for the weekend, and male or female, a great fitting pair of pants that make your rear view as sweet at a flower. Spring, I take you on!

1 comment:

Eri Sastre said...

your blog is great to read! Dress like a flower? (imagines elementary school pagent)O.o not so much, ^_~ but a rear view as sweet as a flower i'll take!!! I'll see you at your show!