Monday, January 24, 2011

Time For a Cool Change

No,no, no-not the Little River Band-time to switch it up.It's this time of year I start actually making the spring clothes. You know, while you head's real clear, looking at 2 feet of snow. Seriously, the absurdity of it all is pretty amusing. But one thing I do know, there with be a new way to show-I am going to the still evolving Delamar Hotel, in Southport, and showing as a fundraiser for the public library. So save the date-Friday, March 25th, 7:30 PM. I'm very excited-new venue, new clothes,new ideas, but same concept-amazing design at your fingertips that fits you like a glove. We'll do cocktails in the lobby, show in the meeting room, tours of the suites, and more food an drink, while you paw over the collection and chat me up-hope you can make it. Tickets go on sale through my website, click the "Delamar show" link for info. meanwhile, I better get back to making this stuff....