Saturday, July 17, 2010

That Fresh Feeling

Nine weeks until showtime-time to get crazy busy. Time to make the new ideas real, get the samples finished,fix what isn't right, and take a long look at everything I'm saying. I can't imagine what I'd do if I couldn't re imagine clothing twice a year. Not doing a collection, not rethinking everything, not coming up with something new-it would be a rather joyless existence. But so would sitting in a shop with nothing selling. There's nothing like that moment, when someone says-"Wow! I love that-it's just what I needed" when it didn't exist a few months ago.The relationships I have with 'the regulars', the people who know they can come to me, and get something fantastic, that easily works with their lives, but makes everything new, is a fabulous way to spend your day. But when someone who has never been in before stands there astonished saying "you made all this?"-that's the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

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