Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jacket, you're dead to me now

So it's only the first day of June, and already, it's time to take stock. What sold, what didn't, what you loved and thought was great idea, but sits there unordered, what you thought was nuts and sold through the roof. Welcome to retail. Or at least retail at my place. My husband just made me watch a few minutes of Jersey Couture. My eyes bled. Now I'm in the middle of making the Fall samples, deciding what to produce, what to take a risk on, what answers the needs of the women who walk in the door everyday, and maybe don't know what they want, but more what they don't want. And i hope I'm more on the side of knock your socks off than "Oh, that's nice", said with a yawn. But I also hope there's still some hope for the cool red eyelet jacket that hasn't made anyone swoon. Yet.

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