Saturday, June 21, 2008

Color Blind

Now I know you're not supposed to mix politics and commerce, but there's a color issue that needs to be discussed. I'm talking Obama. And his shirts. They're white. Always white. Really, really white. Dark suit/white shirt. Every appearance, every photo op. Now I know there's a subliminal Kennedy thing going on here-slim suit/dark tie/white shirt. But we're a bit more enlightened now, aren't we? I don't see Michelle Obama running around in a pill box hat. But the 2-tone thing? People have a knee jerk reaction to this combo-it's uptight. As petty as it seems, I think a little more color needs to creep into the campaign trail. You want the blue collar vote? Lose the white collar.Perhaps an icy blue shirt on a hot summer day? It'll sneak up on people-they won't even know what happened, but they'll be drawn in. And I'm not talking chambray, roll up the sleeves and work the land, but just a little color. Maybe even a taupe suit in August? We are a sorry lot-as hard as we try, we judge a book by it's cover. Why did Hillary fall? Two words. Yellow Pantsuit. If any woman came into my store, and said "Hi, I'm running for the highest office in the country, and I need a yellow pantsuit", my first reaction would be to take a few steps back for safety, then direct her to one of the fine therapists in the neighborhood, because sister, you need help. But on the other hand, a little color, that's a good idea.


Shawna said...

No way. Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man. Obama's fashion (and Michelle's) for that matter are almost as impressive as his vision for a better America. Nothing is more gross than a colored shirt and tie combo with a non-dark blue, black or gray suit. Just think Dwight Shrute and you know what I mean. I'm glad we can agree on the candidates even tho I disagree with the changing of the shirt thing. He IS doing the Kennedy thing because he is young and if he showed up NOT in a suit, his youth (inexperience) would be more of a factor. Let's keep him out of colorful suits so that bigoted America won't conjure up comparisons to MC Hammer or Arsenal Hall.

(BTW--Cindy McCain looks like Satan on the cover of Newsweek even though her pink suit is very classy)

xo--Shawna Feeley

Shawna said...


Jennifer Butler said...

No, not hammertime-no drop crotch pants. But a wee bit more forward would be fine by me. I just got a report that he was wearing a French Blue shirt last week, so someone, somewhere agrees. He can waer dresses when he's in office, as far as I care. As long as I make them.

Celine said...

Oh my god... it's worst than I thought. I agree Obama definitely has an advantage in the looks department. In fact, I never really noticed what he was wearing!! What happened to Hillary? Does she wear white shirts???
Happy 4th of July!!!