So it has been a long time since I posted on my own blog-I've been blogging for Patch for a while now-check it out my last entry if you haven't yet: www.patch.com/blogs, but I'm finishing the fall collection, and I can barely contain myself over my my new stuff.
I've been doing this a long time. A REALLY long time. We're talking a lot Fall collections at least-I lost count after 20. But every year, in order to survive, it has to be fresh. Phoning it in doesn't work-I have too many repeat customers-they're bright bulbs. They need to be wowed. Or why bother? If they already own something similar, why would they open their wallets? And if it's so 360 from what they know me for, that won't ring true. So I evolve, and they evolve, and hopefully we make new friends on the road less traveled.
So anywho, jackets. And more jackets. With a capital J. And tailoring, because that's why you have things made. But not uptight tailoring. And versatility, so you can wear it a LOT, like 365 days a year. Hence, my love for my new sleeve. A little bit of interest, not trying too hard, a bit of flourish. Functional flourish, because it's hiding the Weenis, it's not getting in your way, and it looks cool. What more could you ask? See more of this at my show at the Delamar hotel on September 27th. Who knows what I'll come up with in the meantime..