Monday, January 11, 2010

she put in her thumb, and she pulled out...

PLUM! Lots of plum. And slate, all sorts of blues, grass green, and grey that won't make you think of your grampie and grammie, and lots of metallics. Yes, super cool is the word for spring. Who wouldn't want to be super cool? It all looks so new, and fresh and USEFUL. Superfine lightweight wools, fantastic silks, and some great metallic linens, and drop dead evening looks. I'm terribly excited. Come see what the fuss is all about on March 12th, and don't forget the sale is going on all through January and February, but things are flying out the door, so come in soon!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's that time again..

Time for new ideas. Frankly, if I couldn't do new ideas all the time, this would be no fun. But by the same token, the ideas from "the beforetime"-they're still good. I wore them today, and they worked. I looked great, I crouched around the floor fitting coats and skirts on people, I hemmed, I hawed, I went out,and people said_that looks fabulous". I started at 9am and ended at 9pm, and all was good. Now, to do it all over again, but make it better, fresher, newer.So this season, I think we all need to be super cool. In our heads, our bodies, our outlooks. Armored to deal with the stress of everyday, but not look worn down by it. No one wants to see you like that, let's be honest-"I saw Jen, she looks like crap-things must not be good-she looks tired". Well of course I'm tired, who isn't? But I'm thinking if I put on that plum sheath with the cool asymmetric pin tuck stitching I'm working on, tired would not be in my vocabulary. And if I donned that iridescent blue raincoat with the black moc croc trim, my inner outlook forecast? Quite bright and sunny. The sad truth is what we wear-it colors our day. Somewhere between false pastels and black holes, I'll find a new way of living. See it all at the show at Fairfield Theatre Company on March 12th. Tickets go on sale soon. In the meantime, you know where I'll be.