Sunday, February 5, 2012
Oh, Mother of God-it's been so long since I posted I forgot my password. But anywho, as I worked on new spring pieces today, I thought about what it was like to not answer to anyone-to just DO. Your day flies by, there's no worries, and all is good. It's a nice option-it isn't reality, and if no one buys what I made today, not so smart. I did some great stuff today, but I was never 'alone'. I always think about how viable something is, am I showing what you need to show, is what I'm doing smart? But I do love collections, and I feel pretty lucky to be doing it. Hope to see some of you on Thursday at Southport Galleries for the preview, and all of you for the real deal at the Delamar on 4/12.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
I'm In Love With a Sleeve

So it has been a long time since I posted on my own blog-I've been blogging for Patch for a while now-check it out my last entry if you haven't yet:, but I'm finishing the fall collection, and I can barely contain myself over my my new stuff.
I've been doing this a long time. A REALLY long time. We're talking a lot Fall collections at least-I lost count after 20. But every year, in order to survive, it has to be fresh. Phoning it in doesn't work-I have too many repeat customers-they're bright bulbs. They need to be wowed. Or why bother? If they already own something similar, why would they open their wallets? And if it's so 360 from what they know me for, that won't ring true. So I evolve, and they evolve, and hopefully we make new friends on the road less traveled.
So anywho, jackets. And more jackets. With a capital J. And tailoring, because that's why you have things made. But not uptight tailoring. And versatility, so you can wear it a LOT, like 365 days a year. Hence, my love for my new sleeve. A little bit of interest, not trying too hard, a bit of flourish. Functional flourish, because it's hiding the Weenis, it's not getting in your way, and it looks cool. What more could you ask? See more of this at my show at the Delamar hotel on September 27th. Who knows what I'll come up with in the meantime..
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Here Comes the Dress
Someone asked me today "Do you think Kate's dress will bring you lots of brides?" and I thought he meant our mutual friend (and mode)l Kate, whose wedding gown I made 2 years ago, but he didn't, he meant THE DRESS on THAT Cate. Oy. Quite frankly, I loved the dress I made MY Kate better that THAT dress, but the fact that was on this guy's mind just shows how important your wedding gown choice is. I'm so happy for the house of McQueen, because that man was a genius, and a master tailor who made some beautiful clothes, and this will help his business and name carry on. I would have loved to see what he'd have done with THE DRESS, but I loved the choice of silk gazaar, and the graceful back pouring into the train. I would have liked to see a more modern lace used, and the sleeve a little longer, but that's my nit-picky, professional, rip her to shreds side. My polite regular side thought she looked lovely. Except her face was smushed by her veil. Whoops. I'll stop now. I can't believe how many people, many with no wedding in their immediate future, watch that Godforsaken 'Say Yes to the Dress' show, and the hideous parade of tripe they send out. I used to think there was no such thing as an ugly bride until that show came on, recording train wreck after train wreck. And I'm not just talking silk ones, and I don't throw around the term ugly very freely. It's the excess that kills me. On all levels. The money, the attitudes, and the complete loss of what is important. A wedding gown should reflect the bride's personality, and the setting. Period. No one else has to be happy, just the bride. Then she moves on to the important thing-getting and staying married. When I make a wedding gown, the first thing I ask is the where and when, and then "How do you want to feel on that day?" Maybe you want to feel like a a princess, maybe you want to look hot, maybe you want to look like Grace Kelly, and maybe you just want a dress to have a great party in, and it happens to be white. I've heard it all. Actually, I'm sure I haven't. But that's the fun part-never knowing who will walk in the door, and what adventure you'll go on in Fabricland. It's great honor to be chosen to make anyone's wedding gown, be they a future princess, the girl next door, or her mother going for another go at it with someone she hopes is the love of her life. The whole process should be as beautiful as the product. At least on my end. Good luck with the rest....
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
waaaaaait for it....waaaaait for it.....
Nope. Spring's not coming. But luckily, some people are holding out hope, and getting spring clothes. In the grey pre-spring misery that is damp New England, some people, men and women, and even children, are holding out hope that wearing white, gold and perhaps, even aqua, will some day be an attainable goal. As we muddle through another 45 degree day, let's all brave the future together. Ladies, may I recommend the We 2 Are 1 silk wrap top or dress-I know I'm getting involved heavily in that one, and perhaps the Flight Plan cardigan to ward off any chills. Those appear the hot sellers, but with over 30 color options, you will not see yourself coming and going. And the knits light enough to get you through summer. Which I think we're heading straight for, like a melting iceberg.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
The fat lady sang.
A very late post show report-I have found the floor in the store. Phew. That was some hootenanny. The Delamar was just lovely, jam packed, and fun. I want to thank everyone who helped make the show such a wonderful time and turnout, from the lovely Grace and Sage, who said "Of course, a grass edged runway-we're happy to help you make that a reality, Jen", the awesome backstage dressing crew from Ward(the best crew ever!!), the hair team at Ryan John who may still be recovering from the 14,000 teens and preteens that swarmed on them Friday afternoon, of course, the gorgeous models, who are as lovely inside as out, Matt and his portable studio, Cafe Lola and Health in a Hurry for saying yes, we will, to the crowd, that made it possible for me to be delivering a $3.000 check to the Fairfield Library later this week, and most of all, to The Delamar, for being such a gracious host. I look forward to many more fun nights there, and I must say, that bed in the model's changing room? That was very hard to walk away from at midnight...
I know, it's cold, it's rainy, it's..Spring in the northeast. My remedy? Shiny. a little metallic goes a long way to relieve the drab outlook. I'm seeing everyone embrace it as well-the metallic tints, the slight lurex in a cardigan, the shimmer of a bronze skirt-it's enough to get you through April showers. Even when they're snow showers...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
It's count down to showdown. I mean showtime. Except shows are like a brawl with yourself. You have to beat your best self of last season. You have to do it on budget. You have to stay sane so your modeling and sewing and intern companions don't roll their eyes and mutter about you TOO much, and you have to keep energy level of a crackhead without looking like one, because no one really wants a crackhead to dress them.Although I'm told it happens sometimes. I'm so excited about the new collection. It's risky, bold, different from my past, but still truly wearable. So much so that pieces are selling while they're still in pieces on the cutting floor. So hopefully, I'm onto something. Come see the whole thing on March 25th, at the Delamar Hotel in Southport-tickets are moving and space is limited, so get them while they're still around, or you'll have to wait until next season, when I give this season a smack upside the head.
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